Saturday, March 14, 2009

Neat things happened today

Well, to start off, I slept in this morning which was nice. I love doing that on the weekends. Sadly, I have to get up kind of early tomorrow morning to go the Church, only because we are visiting Tina's parents.

Tina had her Idaho Falls bridal shower. Lots of nice people gave her lots of nice things. So many things, that in fact, we don't know where we are go to put them all. We need a storage unit as soon as possible because in all likelihood we are going to get tons of stuff.

Casey had a piano recital. He is really good. It didn't last too long. In fact it was the perfect time. His teacher is really nice too.

I made enchiladas tonight. They turned out a little bit too spicy. Next time I am going to lay off of the chipolte peppers. even with the seeds removed, they are still pretty spicy.

I also finished reading Adventures of a Church Historian. This book was really good. I amazed that Leonard Arrington did not bear loads of animosity for people who made his job difficult when he was Church historian.

Chris, over and out.